
Customizing Ionide

Table of Contents

How to set an option?

It is easy to configure Visual Studio Code to your liking through its various settings. Nearly every part of VS Code's editor, user interface, and functional behavior has options you can modify.

VS Code provides two different scopes for settings:

  • User Settings - Settings that apply globally to any instance of VS Code you open.
  • Workspace Settings - Settings stored inside your workspace and only apply when the workspace is opened.

Workspace settings override user settings. Workspace settings are specific to a project and can be shared across developers on a project.

Note: A VS Code "workspace" is usually just your project root folder

To open your user and workspace settings, use the following VS Code menu command:

  • On Windows/Linux - File > Preferences > Settings
  • On macOS - Code > Preferences > Settings

You can also open the Settings editor from the Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) with Preferences: Open Settings or use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+,).

Read more about settings in VSCode in VSCode documentation

Ionide Settings


Appends the '--attachdebugger' argument to fsac, this will allow you to attach a debugger.

Type: bool

Default: false


The MemoryCacheOptions.SizeLimit for caching typechecks.

Type: integer

Default: 200

FSharp.fsac.conserveMemory (Deprecated use FSharp.fsac.gc.conserveMemory)

This will set DOTNET_GCConserveMemory. Requires restart.

Type: bool

Default: false


Additional CLI arguments that will be provided to the dotnet runtime when running FSAC. These are fully described at the official Microsoft documentation, and in general relate to which runtime FSAC is run on.

Type: string []

Default: ["--roll-forward", "LatestMajor"] or []

If FSAC is launched from a directory that has a global.json whose sdk.version is 6.0 or greater, or if the 6.0 SDK is installed and no global.json is present, the --roll-forward LatestMajor arguments will be added to ensure FSAC runs under .net 6 (required to support MSBuild correctly).

Otherwise no arguments are automatically supplied by Ionide.


Configures the garbage collector to conserve memory at the expense of more frequent garbage collections and possibly longer pause times. Acceptable values are 0-9. Any non-zero value will allow the Large Object Heap to be compacted automatically if it has too much fragmentation. Requires restart.

Type: integer (0-9)


Limits the number of heaps created by the garbage collector. Applies to server garbage collection only. See Middle Ground between Server and Workstation GC for more details. This can allow FSAC to still benefit from Server garbage collection while still limiting the number of heaps. Requires restart

Type: integer

Default: 2


Specifies whether to affinitize garbage collection threads with processors. To affinitize a GC thread means that it can only run on its specific CPU.. Applies to server garbage collection only. See GCNoAffinitize for more details. Requires restart.

Type: boolean

Default: true


Configures whether the application uses workstation garbage collection or server garbage collection. See Workstation vs Server Garbage Collection for more details. Workstation will use less memory but Server will have more throughput. Requires restart.

Type: boolean

Default: true


The path to the fsautocomplete.dll, useful for debugging a self-built fsac.

Type: string



An array of log categories for FSAC to filter out. These can be found by viewing your log output and noting the text in between the brackets in the log line. For example, in the log line [16:07:14.626 INF] [Compiler] done compiling foo.fsx, the category is 'Compiler'.

Type: string []

Default: [ ]


EXPERIMENTAL. Enables the use of a new source text implementation. This may have better memory characteristics. Requires restart.

Type: enum

Default NamedText

Possible Values:

  • NamedText - The default source text implementation.
  • RoslynSourceText - A new source text implementation based on Roslyn's implementation. May perform better for bigger files.


The deep level of directory hierarchy when searching for sln/projects

Type: int

Default: 4


The path to the F# Interactive tool used by Ionide-FSharp (.NET framework only, on .NET Core FSharp.fsiSdkFilePath is used)

Type: string



The path to the F# Interactive tool used by Ionide-FSharp (when using .NET SDK scripts)

Type: string



Includes keywords in autocomplete

Type: bool

Default: true


Includes external (from unopened modules and namespaces) symbols in autocomplete

Type: bool

Default: false


Enables integration with FSharpLint for additional (user-defined) warnings

Type: bool

Default: true


Enables a codefix that generates missing union cases when in a match expression

Type: bool

Default: true


The expression to fill in the right-hand side of match cases when generating missing cases for a match on a discriminated union

Type: string

Default: failwith \"Not Implemented\"


Enables a codefix that will generate missing record fields when inside a record construction expression

Type: bool

Default: true


The expression to fill in the right-hand side of record fields when generating missing fields for a record construction expression

Type: string

Default: failwith \"Not Implemented\"


Enables a codefix that generates missing interface members when inside of an interface implementation expression

Type: bool

Default: true


The expression to fill in the right-hand side of interface members when generating missing members for an interface implementation expression

Type: string

Default: failwith \"Not Implemented\"


The name of the 'self' identifier in an interface member. For example, this in the expression this.Member(x: int) = ()

Type: string

Default: this


Enables a codefix that generates missing members for an abstract class when in an type inheriting from that abstract class.

Type: boolean

Default: true


The name of the 'self' identifier in an inherited member. For example, this in the expression this.Member(x: int) = ()

Type: string

Default: this


The expression to fill in the right-hand side of inherited members when generating missing members for an abstract base class

Type: string

Default: failwith \"Not Implemented\"


Enables detection of unused opens

Type: bool

Default: true


Enables detection of unused declarations

Type: bool

Default: true


Enables detection of cases when names of functions and values can be simplified

Type: bool

Default: true


An array of additional command line parameters to pass to FSI when it is started. See the documentation for an exhaustive list.

Type: array

Default: []


If enabled, the current file will be saved before sending the last selection to FSI for evaluation

Type: bool

Default: false


Automatically shows the MSBuild output panel when MSBuild functionality is invoked

Type: bool

Default: false


Enables a codefix that will suggest namespaces or module to open when a name is not recognized

Type: bool

Default: true


Enables a codefix that adds a private access modifier

Type: bool

Default: false


Enables the solution explorer view of the current workspace, which shows the workspace as MSBuild sees it

Type: bool

Default: true


Directories in the array are excluded from project file search. Requires restart.

Type: array

Default: [".git","paket-files",".fable","packages","node_modules"]


Usage mode for LineLens. If never, LineLens will never be shown. If replaceCodeLens, LineLens will be placed in a decoration on top of the current line.

Type: enum

Possible values:

  • never
  • replaceCodeLens
  • always

Default: replaceCodeLens


The prefix displayed before the signature in a LineLens

Type: string

Default: //


Disables popup notifications for failed project loading

Type: bool

Default: false


EXPERIMENTAL. Enables LSP Server based on FSharp.Data.Adaptive. This can improve stability. Requires restart.

Type: boolean

Default: false


Enables background services responsible for creating symbol cache and typechecking files in the background. Requires restart.

Type: bool

Default: true


EXPERIMENTAL. Enables support for loading workspaces with MsBuild's ProjectGraph. This can improve load times. Requires restart.

Type: boolean

Default: false


Enables additional code lenses showing number of references of a function or value. Requires background services to be enabled.

Type: bool

Default: true


Set the activity (left bar) where the project explorer view will be displayed. If explorer, then the project explorer will be a collapsible tab in the main explorer view, a sibling to the file system explorer. If fsharp, a new activity with the F# logo will be added and the project explorer will be rendered in this activity.Requires restart.

Type: enum

Possible values:

  • explorer
  • fsharp

Default: fsharp


EXPERIMENTAL. Enables F# analyzers for custom code diagnostics. Requires restart.

Type: bool

Default: false


Directories in the array are used as a source of custom analyzers. Requires restart.

Type: array

Default: ["packages/Analyzers", "analyzers"]


Path to the directory or solution file that should be loaded as a workspace. If set, no workspace probing or discovery is done by Ionide at all.

Type: string


Automatically shows solution explorer on plugin startup

Type: bool

Default: true


Enables TouchBar integration of build/run/debug buttons

Type: bool

Default: true


Controls whether the solution explorer should automatically reveal and select files when opening them. If sameAsFileExplorer is set, then the value of the explorer.autoReveal setting will be used instead.

Type: enum

Possible values:

  • sameAsFileExplorer
  • enabled
  • disabled

Default: sameAsFileExplorer


Enables smart indent feature

Type: bool

Default: false


Controls when the info panel is updated

Type: enum

Possible values:

  • onCursorMove
  • onHover
  • both
  • none

Default: onCursorMove


Controls whether the info panel replaces tooltips

Type: bool

Default: false


Controls whether the info panel should be locked at startup

Type: bool

Default: false


Controls whether the info panel should be displayed at startup

Type: bool

Default: false


Logs additional information to F# output channel. This is equivalent to passing the --verbose flag to FSAC. Requires restart.

Type: bool

Default: false


Enables more verbose notifications using System.Diagnostics.Activity to view traces from FSharp.Compiler.Service.

Type: bool

Default: false


The set of System.Diagnostics.Activity names to watch.

Type: string array




Enables the Targets Outline tree view.

Type: bool

Default: true


Set the activity (left bar) where the FAKE targets outline view will be displayed.Requires restart.

Type: enum

Possible values:

  • explorer
  • fsharp

Default: explorer


Allow Ionide to prompt whenever internal data files aren't included in your project's .gitignore

Type: bool

Default: true


Allow Ionide to suggest using .NET SDK FSI for scripting instead of .NET Framework FSI

Type: boolean

Default: true


Use dotnet fsi instead of fsi.exe/fsharpi to start an FSI session

Type: boolean

Default: true


Sets the root path for finding locating the dotnet CLI binary. Defaults to the dotnet binary found on your system PATH.

Type: string


Enables a panel for FSI that shows the value of all existing bindings in the FSI session

Type: boolean

Default: false


Enables generation of msbuild.binlog files for project loading. It works only for fresh, non-cached project loading. Run F#: Clear Project Cache and reload window to force fresh loading of all projects. These files can be loaded and inspected using the MSBuild Structured Logger

Type: boolean

Default: false


Enables pipeline hints, which are like LineLenses that appear along each step of a chain of piped expressions

Type: boolean

Default: true


The prefix displayed before the signature of a pipeline hint

Type: string

Default: //


Controls if the inlay hints feature is enabled.

Type: boolean

Default: true


Controls if parmaeter-name inlay hints will be displayed for functions and methods.

Type: boolean

Default: true


Controls if type-annotation inlay hitns will be displayed for bindings.

Type: boolean

Default: true


VS Code allows for very deep theming and customization, and Ionide plugs into this system excellently. The Language Server performs advanced syntax highlighting and annotates the source code with semantic tokens and modifiers. These tokens and modifiers can be themed individually in whatever way you want. For a deep dive on semantic tokens, including how to find out which tokens and modifiers have been applied to source code that you want to theme, please see the official documentation.

In addition to the standard set of tokens and modifiers shown on that documentation, Ionide provides several custom scopes and modifiers:


  • member- used in mutable vars and record fields, as well as exceptions, fields, events, delegates, and named arguments
  • cexpr - for computation expressions
  • text - for plaintext strings


  • mutable - for any values that are defined as let mutable
  • disposable - for any values that implement System.IDisposable

Applying custom themes

Like all settings, theme customizations are stored in settings files, which are described at the top of this page in greater detail.

Semantic tokens can be overidden on a theme-by-theme basis in the following way:

    "editor.semanticTokenColorCustomizations": {
      "[Default Dark+]": {
            "enabled": true,
            "rules": {
                "*.mutable": {
                    "foreground": "#FF0000",
                    "fontStyle": "underline",
                "*.disposable": {
                    "foreground": "#ff8b2c",
                    "fontStyle": "bold"


A few things to note about this example:

  • the individual theme names are placed into square brackets
  • the rules are a map of scope or modifier to the theme settings to be applied to tokens that match
  • the key of a rule can be
    • a fully-qualified scope (i.e. <scope>.<modifier>, for example member.mutable)
    • just a scope (i.e. member)
    • a wildcard modifier (i.e. *.mutable to apply to all mutables, regardless of scope)

Here are settings recommended for larger projects to help with performance.

    "FSharp.codeLenses.references.enabled": false,
    "FSharp.enableMSBuildProjectGraph": true,
    "FSharp.enableAdaptiveLspServer": true,
    "FSharp.fsac.gc.conserveMemory": 9
  • FSharp.codeLenses.references.enabled - Recommend disabling this because it requires typechecks of your whole solution.
  • FSharp.enableMSBuildProjectGraph - Recommend enabling this because it can speed up project load times for larger project graphs.
  • FSharp.enableAdaptiveLspServer - Recommended enabling this because it has more stable state management.
  • FSharp.fsac.gc.conserveMemory - Recommended enabling this because it will tell dotnet compact Large Object Heap allocations.